Photo assets

Photo assets

A productive day in Richmond and Kingston as I dropped into photographer Jonathan Stewart’s office and Prinststore’s premises to collate and formally approve the extended gallery of images for the Waterloo Sunrise project. (The main photo shown here was taken by Jonathan in producer Greg Fitzgerald’s garden during a break in recording sessions).

Whilst in Richmond I took the opportunity to take in a few landmarks of relevance to the music industry, including Wick House, which from 1971 was owned by Ronnie Wood. He built a studio in its basement and recorded solo albums on site, whilst it is believed It’s only rock’n’roll (but I like it) had its origins from a jam in the house between Wood, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and David Bowie.

The house was purchased by The Who’s Pete Townshend in 1996, although he sold the historic property for £15m in 2021.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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