Mission: breakout

The Government Relations & Public Affairs team, Isabelle, Maddy and myself headed to north London today for a relaxing away day at Mission: breakout in Kentish Town Road, NW5.  This is one of the ‘escape rooms’ that have sprung up around town in recent months.

Based in a disused underground station, the premises are themed on World War II and code breaking in particular.  I am pleased to say that we managed to find our way out with five minutes to spare of the allotted hour.  We then walked to the Bull & Gate for lunch.  Now a very comfortable bar and restaurant, where once a well-known grassroots music venue was established for years.  We dined in the room that was the scene of my first solo gig in March 1989!  (A ‘Hype’ all-dayer on a Bank Holiday Monday – Jesus Jones were also on the bill).


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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