UK Music lunch

Another enjoyable annual event as UK Music invited the industry’s comms teams to a lunch with journalists at The Library Room in Shoreditch House on Ebor Street in London’s East End.  CEO Michael Dugher and his colleagues Vincent Moss, Heather Varley and Ele Hill, welcomed an interesting selection of media representatives including Press Association’s Joe Nerssessian and iNews writer, Adam Sherwin.

It was heartwarming to catch up with Jo Dipple, PPL veteran guru Jonathan Morrish, Record of the Day’s Paul Scaife and Ashling Pickett, Marketing & Comms Executive of the MPA Group. At the end of the afternoon following a traditional turkey meal, we walked the short distance to Brew Dog where I spent an intriguing half hour with UK Music’s Tom Kiehl, talking over burgeoning plans for campaigns in 2018.


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