The Musician (June)

The summer 2017 issue of The Musician is being dispatched to members this week and this distribution includes, as an insert, a postcard to enable musicians to join the Union’s campaign aiming to secure a viable future for performers post-Brexit.

– Horace Trubridge is elected MU General Secretary
– Naomi Pohl appointed first female Assistant General Secretary
– Saving Cardiff’s venues
– Meeting members’ needs via effective communications

– General Secretary
– Assistant General Secretary
– Jazz triumphs at SXSW
– ENO Orchestra
– The MU Orchestra Section

– Letters, emails and tweets from MU members

– Brexit: the MU assesses the likely impact
– Hull: focusing on the City of Culture
– Why I joined the MU

– Louisa Roach of She Drew The Gun
– Bassist Geoff Gascoyne
– Cover star SK Shlomo

– Assertiveness – how to hone your communication skills
– First time in a studio?

– CDs & downloads

Union notices
– Key contacts
– Ask Us First
– Tributes
– Union News: statement to members (summary accounts)
– Member benefits checklist

This issue will be available via the MU website courtesy of our ‘page-turning’ ISSUU facility, plus audio files are being prepared to distribute the content in audio format to our visually impaired members.

In keeping with members’ requests, The Musician will also be available as a large print file in 24 point for downloading from our website.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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