The Musician (June)

The summer 2016 issue of The Musician is being dispatched to members this week and a ‘page turner’ ISSUU version and downloadable PDF are available via the MU website. This distribution includes, as inserts, ballot documentation for the Live Performance Section Committee and the Teachers’ Section Committee.

Members of each Section will receive a booklet containing the statements of the nominees, a ballot paper and a reply paid envelope. Those members in both Sections will receive both booklets. Meanwhile, the journal’s contents include:

– MU responds to publication of the BBC White Paper
– Assent of Trade Union Act
– Volunteers sought for MU Pension Scheme Committee
– Free guide to music funding
– Parliamentary Jazz Awards
– Union members entitled to promo music video payments

– General Secretary
– Copyright infringement
– Benefits of EU membership
– FIM Congress preview
– Hub Report 2016

– Letters, emails and tweets from MU members

– Grassroots venues gain greater legal protection
– Music plagiarism
– Handel & Hendrix heritage site
– Music Glue

– Aran Ghosh
– Emily Dolan Davies

– Maintaining creativity
– Keeping neighbours onside

– CDs & downloads

Union notices
– Key contacts
– Ask Us First
– Tributes
– Union News: summary accounts 31-12-15
– Making the Most of your Union: Roving stewards
– Member benefits checklist

Audio files are being prepared to distribute the content in an accessible format to our visually impaired members. In keeping with members’ requests, the journal is also available as a large print file in 24 point.


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