The Musician (spring)

The Musician (spring)

The spring 2022 issue of The Musician is scheduled to be dispatched by email in digital format to members this week.

The contents include:

– Reports from Horace as MU General Secretary and Naomi as Deputy General Secretary

– Profiles of Shao Dow, south London rapper and grime artist, and Iona Fyfe, Scots traditional singer and stalwart activist

– Features include 1) a report from the 2022 ABO Conference in Glasgow; 2) the pros and cons of releasing recorded music on vinyl; 3) the MU’s Composers Against Buyouts campaign; plus 4) a focus on Universal Basic Income.

– Advice articles on 1) how music teachers can boost their businesses, and 2) how musicians can make the most of TikTok

– Additional reports focus on our Tax Investigation Insurance scheme and the MU’s personal injury claim service

– Our regular ‘Tools Of The Trade’ column features drummer and percussion teacher John Park, while ‘Why I Joined’ tells the member journeys of Lisa Redford and Jermain Jackman

– Reminders of our Statutory Notices for members can be found on page 37

– This edition also sees the return of the Tributes section and includes an obituary of former Assistant General Secretary, Jack Stoddart.

In line with members’ requests, the journal will also be available in audio and as a large print file in 24 point. For reference, the summer edition due out in June will be distributed in both print and digital formats.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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