The Musician (autumn)

The Musician (autumn)

The autumn 2021 issue of The Musician is scheduled to be dispatched in digital format by email to members this week. We lead with the report on our Delegate Conference and members can access the document containing all the Carried Motions by logging into the MU website

Also featured are interviews with:

  • Rosie Frater-Taylor, in which the genre-spanning artist discusses her coming-of-age second album
  • Robin Rimbaud, where the electronic musician known as Scanner exudes a real DIY ethic
  • A welcome for the findings of the DCMS report into the ‘Economics of streaming’
  • A focus on returning to rehearsals
  • The MU’s new access riders
  • News of how the MU has achieved pay increase for freelance extras and deputies
  • Touring in Europe post-Brexit, the pros and cons with Tankus The Henge
  • ‘Maintaining my instrument’ with Kuljit Bhamra
  • Plus the popular advice section explains how to create clear and accessible social media content for your audience

Meanwhile, Page 54 contains the formal announcement of the forthcoming election for General Secretary. This will followed by the official call for nominations in December.

In line with members’ requests, the journal is also available in audio and as a large print file in 24 point.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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