Venue visit

My MU colleague Jane Austin and I drove to Brighton today to visit this summer’s Delegate Conference venue, the Metropole Hilton.  The Conference is booked for the 23 and 24 July and we had arranged to meet Senior Event Manager Sara Holland and the main audio/visual/staging contact for the venue, Sandy Matthews, so that we could confirm the event details and remind ourselves of the hotel facilities.

Our Conference has been held on two previous occasions at the Metropole and always matched the Union’s specific requirements.  Finding a venue with a large enough room, breakout rooms, offices and sufficient accommodation, is often a harder task that it initially appears.

Sara and Sandy showed us around the rooms and we explained how the format of the Conference is changing this year and how we aimed to build upon the successes of the events in 2015 and 2017.

We were able to clarify and make, we believe, the appropriate choices before heading back to London.  Our thanks to Sara, Sandy and all who welcomed us at the Hotel today.


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