Soho Festival

Following a visit to Abbey Road to catch the latest recording in Studio One by the Bromley continent of Rock Choir under the stewardship of their excellent leader Jim Hawkins, a dash to Soho for the Berwick Street Festival was the order of the day for my wife Julie, son Ben and myself.

This coincided with Record Store Day, which promotes the numerous benefits of record stores across the UK. The main stage at one end of the street entertained a large crowd with performances by 1980’s stars Adam Ant, Orange Juice front man Edwyn Collins and Ruts DC. Also keeping the atmosphere upbeat were DJ Andy Smith, garage band The September Girls, US indie band the Augustines, plus songwriter, musician, performer and Soho resident Tim Arnold – The Soho Hobo. The event was compared by comedian and presenter Hardeep Singh Kohli. We then dropped in at the Soho Hotel for a finishing G&T. Marvellous.


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