UK Music Album Quiz

To mark National Album Day, UK Music held a quiz this evening in the Silver Cross pub in Whitehall and fifteen teams gathered at 7pm in the basement ready to meet the challenge of the organisation’s quiz masters. I had been invited to enter a team and, with the valuable assistance of British Underground CEO Crispin Parry, put together a line-up of five eager contestants including former MU Official Ben Jones and Tom Bridgewater of Loose Music.

We managed to stay in contention for the first few rounds, until a number of questions about the ‘Now, that’s what I call music!’ series proved beyond our informed guesswork. However, we finished a creditable third behind the winners, who came from the umbrella organisation for the major record companies, the BPI.

On a neighbouring table had been Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson, and Cardiff West MP, Kevin Brennan. Tom kindly invited Ben and I for a drink in the Strangers’ Bar at the Houses of Parliament, where we were joined by respected sound engineer Olga Fitzroy and legendary producer John Leckie. Around half eleven, Kevin led us back through the corridors and cloakrooms to the main gate, where we said our thanks and farewells. Ben and I walked back up to the Mall, where I had earlier parked my car, and we had a pleasant journey back through south London. Thanks to all involved for a memorable night.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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