Two days in Bath

I completed my regular mid-summer visit to magazine publishers Future Fusion in Bath today. I caught the 8am train from Paddington yesterday and arrived in good time to have a full day working on the autumn issue of The Musician magazine.

In partnership with the excellent team on the fifth floor in Quay House, a considerable number of features were edited and sent onto the relevant MU Officials. I spent the evening with consultant editor Neil Crossley and enjoyed dinner at the Thai Balcony in the centre of town once more, before retiring my room at the Apex Hotel.

This morning we continued our efforts on this edition, our 59th as a team, and welcomed a steady stream of responses from my colleagues. The award-winning mix of interviews, features, reports and reviews were coming together and although this has been a tight schedule, with an earlier sign-off than usual for the quarterly publication, we were pleased with progress. The end of the afternoon soon came round and I headed for the station to catch the 18.43 back to London.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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