The Musician (summer)

The Musician (summer)

The summer 2021 issue of The Musician magazine is being dispatched in digital format by email to members this week and this edition features profile interviews with award-winning Americana artist Robert Vincent and the rising classical star, cellist Ruth Hallows.

Contents include:


  • New survey shows that fans are eager for live music events
  • MU makes record royalties payment to its members


  • MU General Secretary Horace Trubridge
  • Deputy General Secretary Naomi Pohl


  • MU slams 50% funding cut to arts-based higher education
  • How musicians are making a difference with dementia care
  • Campaign: Composers against buyouts
  • Maternity & paternity benefits


  • Robert Vincent, award-winning Americana artist
  • Ruth Hallows, rising classical star
  • UK Music’s new CEO, Jamie Njoku-Goodwin


  • Tomorrow’s Warriors: 30 years of nurturing new jazz talent
  • Focus on the Denmark Street development
  • ‘Maintaining my instrument’ with vocalist Louise Marshall
  • ‘Why I joined the MU’ with Billy Watman, Sophie Kilburn, Rob Wheeler


  • Metadata: vital information for digital music releases

Plus reviews of new albums, EPs and downloads by MU members

This is the 68th edition for which I have been editor, with all of the publications since spring 2005 having been the result of a very successful partnership with the contract publishing team at Future. In particular, my thanks go to my consultant editor Neil Crossley, who has worked tirelessly on the editorial content and helped to make the product such a hit with working musicians across the UK.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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