Quiz victory

The MU entered two teams in the 12th annual Hencilla Canworth Quiz this evening at its well-established venue, Dickens Inn in St Katherine’s Dock.  Once again we were up against Equity, BECTU, Abbey Tax and a number of other business partners of Hencilla, the Croydon based company who act as brokers for the MU’s successful insurance schemes.

I had formed a team of six with colleagues Jane Austin, Lisa Barry, Autumn Sharkey, plus Assistant General Secretary David Ashley and his wife Sarah, and chose the 1990s’ chart name of ‘Justified Ancients of MU’.

The usual rounds of News, History, Geography, Sport, TV and Film, Music (during which we understandably played our joker), Pot Luck, plus the challenging picture round swiftly came and went, punctured by good-natured arguments and humour.

Delighted at having set a half-time lead, we appeared to have dropped to third prior to the last couple of scores being available, however we secured enough points to end as winners!

Our collective thanks to our excellent hosts and the quizmasters for another entertaining evening.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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