PPL event

PPL event

A classic curtain raiser for the festive period is the PPL drinks event in St James’s St, SW1, and it was a pleasure after so many cancelled gatherings during lockdown to meet a throng of familiar faces from across the industry. Including the wonderful Maggie Crowe, Pete Thoms, Paul Scaife, Martin Talbot, Phil Kear, Dave Webster and David Stark, plus especially Graham Davies and Maria McMillan of the Ivors Academy team who were marvellous company in the Davy’s Bar afterwards.

CEO Peter Leathem gave an excellent speech in which he outlined the excellent work his team had completed in the last twelve months. He would normally be joined in addressing us by Chair John Smith, but he sadly recorded a positive Covid test this morning and could not attend.

I then spent the evening at King’s Place, where ace folk musician Chris Wood delivered a masterful performance of his own material and traditional songs in Hall 2. Great to meet up with Sarah Wainman and her friends during the interval.

The photograph shows the illuminated Fortnum & Mason on Piccadilly.




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