PPL at St James’s

An early sign that the Christmas drinks season is underway, the PPL and PRS for Music December reception, took place this afternoon at its now regular venue, 7 St James’s Street, near the end of Pall Mall.

So many familiar faces were there, including PPL CEO Peter Leathem, PPL Chair John Smith and his wife Sandra, MU General Secretary Horace Trubridge, former UK Music head Jo Dipple, jazz supremo Chris Hodgkins, MU EC Vice Chair and violinist Alex Gascoine, Americana Conference CEO Stevie Freeman, former BBC negotiator James Lancaster and Live Nation’s Ele Hill.

In the late afternoon, Jane Austin (Horace’s PA) , drummer and EC Vice Chair Rick Finlay and I, accompanied BPI legend Maggie Crowe, around the corner to Davy’s Wine Bar for yet more drinks.

Always a great time.  Thanks everyone!


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