Musical Theatre Kit

The Musical Theatre Kit is a joint publication by the MU and the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain and the unions collectively launched this valuable resource at the Cottesloe Room, National Theatre, on the Southbank this evening.  The Kit, aiming to be the first in a series of advice documents for writers, explores the creation, development and production of musicals for theatre book writers, composers and lyricists.

The MU’s Assistant General Secretary Naomi Pohl and the Guild’s Jenifer Toksvig gave welcoming speeches to the creative community in attendance, who included MU Executive Committee Chair Dave Lee, the Guild’s Ellie Peers, my MU colleagues Maddy Radcliff, Phil Kear and Michael Sweeney, theatre MD Mark Harman, plus journalists Matt Hemley of The Stage and The Musician’s Neil Crossley.  My thanks to photographer Jonathan Stewart for capturing the evening so creatively and Future Fusion for their design and production work on the printed version of the Kit.


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