John Bishop

John Bishop

A relaxed ninety minutes in the company of John Bishop at Fairfield Halls, as he performed in south London as part of his current lengthy tour. The comedian had taken a break from live performance in recent years and so I looked forward to seeing him tread the boards once more.

The show consisted of two forty-five minute segments and John stated early on that he intended to focus on themes of childhood, his mother and Ireland. His style is very much like going for a drink with an old friend that you haven’t met for some years and who runs though what he has been doing since your paths last crossed.

This makes for a very warm atmosphere and was appreciated by the mostly mature audience. However, it does mean there is little contemporary edge or insight in the material and certainly no formal jokes as such. Still the stories about gigging in New York, motor biking around Ireland and across France, the exploring of his family history with Hugh Bonneville for the DNA TV series, plus the expected references to male middle age meant the time passed comfortably.

The final segment took on a very sentimental tone as he talked about losing his mother and how he remained in awe of his parents’ relationship and their love for each other. Thanks John, good luck with the forthcoming dates both in the UK and internationally.


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