A heart that loves

A very special day as my wife’s eldest niece Kylie Gray, daughter of her brother Chris, married Koray Tahir in the main council chamber at Islington Town Hall this afternoon.  Following the moving and emotional ceremony, the guests were whisked by a pair of traditional Routemaster buses to the reception at St Bart’s Brewery in Smithfield.  A fabulous English/Turkish celebration ensued with a superb meal, memorable speeches and live music provided by the delightful singer/guitarist Kelly Barnes.

A pleasant addition to the day was the chance to meet and talk to journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow in the bar over the road from the Town Hall prior to the service.  We spoke of our being at the recent Labour Party Conference and, in particular, his love of music and the time he spent as a pupil at Winchester Cathedral.  He studied for five years at the Pilgrims’ School as a result of his winning a prestigious choral scholarship.  A charming, knowledgeable and engaging man.


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