Howard Mills

I was contacted by Tom Kiehl of UK Music recently who advised that Sky News were planning an item on the possible difficulties musicians will face when travelling across Europe post-Brexit.  I immediately got in touch with Louisa Roach of She Drew the Gun and Howard Mills, manager of rising Americana star Emily Barker, as I knew both artists would be ideal ambassadors to contribute.

In the event, Sky interviewed Emily and the feature – mostly calling upon quotations by Feargal Sharkey and UK Music Chief Executive Michael Dugher – was broadcast for the first time on 25 March.  The news item can be viewed in full on YouTube.  This afternoon I met up with Howard in Brewer Street, Soho, so that we could follow-up on our meeting at the Americana Conference in February and exchange ideas for the future.  (I had also hoped that Emily would be one of the MU sponsored acts at LabourLive on 16 June, or the TUC Rally in Hyde Park on 12 May, however she is already booked up on this days).

A couple of hours passed very quickly as Howard proved a never-ending font of intriguing views and entertaining stories.  We finally left our meeting place and walked back through the West End to Charing Cross Station, taking in legendary music sites such as the 2 I’s Coffee Bar and Bunjies Folk Cellar along the way.


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Songwriter and music industry consultant.
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